

Go to motorcycle practise today

so lame while waiting for everything

waiting for van

waiting for my turn

waiting for the key

waiting for register

waiting for the sir

waiting and waiting

finally comes the teacher

and then

waiting again after the practise

wait almost an hour

so lame

i hate waiting

why always like that

waste my time

and im so tired u know

but it just my first practise

have to go there more

and then

tomorrow have to wait wait wait again

because i will go for car practise tomorrow

hope i can practise smoothly

so nervous
tomorrow want go back to kampung

my luggage havn't pack yet

dont know what to bring

maybe just some clothes


but is ok

just go there and have my relax time

maybe come back to here next thursday

but is considering whether want come back here monday or not

because seem many thing have to do

and im worring about something


happy holiday to everyone

